Thursday 6 May 2010

The Beauty Of The Liturgy

The modern world is often rushed, a rabble surrounds one constantly, a barrage of information attacks the ears, flashy lights dazzle the eyes. Anger and impatience is indicative of the culture, where one must be satisfied on request.
The Christian soul has somewhere to turn to in the midst of this pollution, someone to rely on. One is often lonely in a crowd, yet in the encounter that occurs between God and creature in the Sacrifice of the Mass, grace and infinite blessings are bestowed. The veil is pulled back separating heaven and earth. This is a foretaste of eternity, of knowing as one is known.
Christ, who calls us brothers and friends, dwells with us, and is offered up to the Eternal Father, by the priest who stands in His person. The priest must approach the Altar in fear and trembling, he will utter the most sacred words that will confect the Eucharist, the Sanctifier will transform mere bread and wine, into the body, blood, soul and divinity of the Redeemer and Lord of all, to give life to all who partake of the offering. His lips unclean from speaking evil, have the great grace of wispering in love and reverence, 'Hoc est enim corpus meum'. Not even the angels, exalted high above man in stature, intelligence and sinlessness, have been called to send up the most pure Sacrifice to redeem man. The priest must not take this solemn duty lightly, his salvation depends upon him becoming like the Sacrifice immolated infront of him. He truly is an alter Christus, he must have his mind, lips and heart conformed to the likeness of Jesus.

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