Saint Augustine of Hippo on the Holy Spirit.
''There is no gift of God more excellent than this. It alone distinguishes the sons of the eternal kingdom and the sons of eternal perdition. Other gifts, too, are given by the Holy Spirit; but without love they profit nothing. Unless, therefore, the Holy Spirit is so far imparted to each, as to make him one who loves God and his neighbor, he is not removed from the left hand to the right. Nor is the Spirit specially called the Gift, unless on account of love. And he who has not this love, "though he speak with the tongues of men and angels, is sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal; and though he have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and though he have all faith, so that he can remove mountains, he is nothing; and though he bestow all his goods to feed the poor, and though he give his body to be burned, it profiteth him nothing." (On the Trinity)
Comment: It is only in the Holy Spirit that we can profess the true faith revealed by God. Our acceptance of the Catholic religion is more than mere adherence of the intellect, but involves the whole person who is led by the Spirit and cries out with a peace and a joy that the world can not give, 'Abba, Pater'.
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